Monday, 31 December 2018

Home Care after a Knee Replacement

Knee replacement is considerably a major surgery in which the damaged bones areas are removed and replaced with the prosthesis. A complete care will be provided by the medical team until the patient is in hospital. However taking care of the patient after discharge makes a point here. The attendant’s dedicated concern only helps the patient in faster recovery and from there his pain-free journey begins. Caring your loved one both physically and mentally recuperates him soon.

Begin with fundamental needs

Preparing the room helps in ensuring a smooth recovery. You may better place the patient’s room on the ground floor to avoid strain. Pillow for the lower leg elevation, ice packing, supporting with walkers, appropriate toiletries help him much and keeps him hygienic.

Assist with medication and wound care 

Be sure to provide the patient with the prescribed medications regularly. Monitor his condition; if necessary take him to the hospital to visit your doctor for altering the medicine. Besides, his inflammation and wound on the surgery site, it should be monitored carefully and dressed accordingly.

Support with follow-ups

Always keep a reminder on the patient’s follow-up dates with the doctor in order to keep everything on a smooth track. Be on time on the appointment date to discuss your loved one’s issues. If any illness occurs in between the appointments do not hesitate to take him to the hospital immediately.

Motivate for exercise and rehabilitation

The doctor would have advised the patient to do exercises and slow walking. But, the patient may not have the desire to continue due to the pain and discomfort. At this juncture, the attendant should encourage him to do exercise for a faster recovery. The motivation boosts him always.

Monitor changes

If any significant change in the patient’s physical or mental state is addressed, contact the medical professional immediately. Surgery complications, medication side effects and changes in the wound must be informed to the doctor then and there.

Diet plan, pain management, blood clot prevention, infection control, exercise shall be closely watched by the caretaker as the exclusive Home care traits after a knee replacement surgery. Your care brings up your loved one’s condition improved.

Knee Replacement Surgery in Chennai

TOSH (Trauma and Orthopedic Specialty Hospital) is a leading orthopedic hospital in Chennai. The world-class treatment is offered by the experts and the best knee joint specialists are performing knee replacement surgeries effectively.

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Friday, 28 September 2018

Do You Need Knee Replacement Surgery?

Are you suffering from severe knee pain? Are you unable to walk or move properly? Are you unable to sleep peacefully at night? It's time for you to consult an orthopaedic surgeon!

The knee joints are one of the strongest joints of the body which holds the full body weight. As it holds the complete body weight, it often gets worn out with age. And this is unavoidable. People above the age of 60 are more likely to have joint pain caused due to osteoarthritis, gout, haemophilia and so on. In the first stage, knee joint can be cured with medicines but in the majority, the pain starts when the knee joint has completely worn out. The only option left is a knee replacement surgery. When the knee gets damaged an artificial thing called prosthesis is used which helps the knee to function properly for another 20 years.

knee replacement surgery chennai

How would you know whether you need a knee replacement or not?

Following are some symptoms or indication that will help you to know that your knee joint is damaged from inside.

  • Disability to climb, walk and do other day to day activities.
  • Severe pain at night.
  • Unable to stand after rising from the bed.
  • Some knee deformities.
  • Unable to bend your knee.

If you are going through any of the above symptoms, you need to consult a surgeon.

Why choose us?

At TOSH Trauma & Orthopaedic Hospital we have a team of experienced and qualified orthopaedic surgeon who has been successfully operated more than thousand knee replacement surgeries in India. Two types of joint replacement are conducted here- partial knee replacement and total knee replacement. Depending on the patient's medical history, the surgery plan is made. If a patient has a poor heart condition, dental caries or lung infection, special preoperative measures are taken to prevent any kind of side effects.

knee joint specialist chennai

Tosh provides one of the most advanced knee replacement surgery Chennai. One of our specialities is the Home Care department. In this physiotherapists will visit your place to provide after surgery physiotherapy. What else one needs?

So if you again want to do the normal activities of your life visit our official website and book an appointment with the best knee joint specialist in Chennai.

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Thursday, 6 September 2018

Now Treat Cartilage Degeneration With Your Own Blood Platelets

Platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) attempts to take advantage of the blood's natural healing properties and help in the revival of cartilage to improve function and thereby reducing pain.  The arrival of orthobiologicals like PRP and stem cells are used to achieve great results in case of ruptured muscles, damaged ligaments, and tendons as well as in non- healing fractures. Although the application of PRP has been around for decades, the treatment has become a more holistic kind of option in Osteoarthritis recently as PRP therapy repairs degenerative joints using your own healing growth factors.

People turning to PRP injections to treat an intensifying list of orthopaedic conditions, including osteoarthritis are escalating nowadays. PRP injections have been gaining popularity for a number of applications in orthopaedic surgery as a way to augment both healings of various tissues and decrease pain.  It is most frequently used for knee osteoarthritis, but may be used on other joints as well. The effect of Platelet concentrates on stem cells and chondrocytes has become the major area of focus. The potential for PRP to enhance cartilage regeneration and in the reduction of catabolic factors that lead to cartilage degradation has been well studied recently.


How is PRP therapy done?

  • PRP therapy is like the kickoff in a soccer game. It initiates the curative cascade into the local tissue. Nothing in the body heals without inflammation…absolutely nothing!
  • Your blood platelets play a vital role in blood clotting and injury/wound healing. The preparation and procedure of healing doses of growth factors consisting of a blood from the patient (autologous blood collection) and then placing it in a Centrifuge machine which extracts the Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) constituent from the blood.
  • The sample constitutes of platelets (blood cells) which consist of copious healing and inflammatory chemicals. This PRP sample is injected in the affected area under sterile precautions. This decreases inflammation and promotes healing.
  • In general, patients are treated every 3-6 weeks. Typically three to six visits are essential per region in the body.


Growth and healing factors in PRP?

Few years ago researchers at the University of Florence have established the remedial and repair factors found in platelet concentrates. There are many studies and clinical evidence which support the healing factors in PRP.
  • PDGF (Platelet-derived Growth Factor) initiates connective tissue healing through the promotion of collagen, glycosaminoglycan, and collagenase production by fibroblasts.
  • The most important effect of PDGF seems to be its mitogenesis of mesoderm-derived cells, better extracellular matrix synthesis, and chemotaxis and activation of monocytes, neutrophils, and fibroblasts.
  • Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)also plays a major role in inducing phenotypic switching from contractile to proliferative state vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC’s)
  • The formation of fibrocartilage, cartilaginous and bony calluses is vital for bone healing.
  • The most important specific activity of PDGF is in articular cartilage repair

  • VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) also known as vascular permeability factor (the platelet-derived growth factor family of cystine-knot growth factors) is the chief regulator of angiogenesis and vasculogenesis. This plays an important role in tissue regeneration by generating new pathways of blood vessels for the therapeutic factors to get to the location of the injury.
  • Transforming Growth Factor (TGF) including TGF-b1 stimulates the rate of chondrocyte maturation and decreases the breakdown of cartilage. TGF- beta-mediated signaling pathways and their effects significantly impact the diagnosis and treatment of many common orthopaedic diseases.
The Chennai-based Trauma & Orthopaedic Speciality Hospital (TOSH), an exclusive orthopaedic hospital with international standards has now become one of the renowned Orthopaedic Care Centres in South India. The center offers the entire spectrum of services in trauma and orthopaedics, and also specialize in PRP stem cell therapy in Chennai, trauma surgery and limb reconstruction, PRP treatment for cartilage degeneration and joint restoration, spine surgery, hand surgery, paediatric orthopaedics, arthroscopic surgery, daycare Ortho surgery etc. They are the first ever healthcare unit in the country to launch stem cell and regenerative medicine unit in orthopaedics with a dedicated exclusive operation theatre for stem cell procedures. With world-class facility at affordable cost in all orthopaedic Sub-specialty, the hospital is committed to provide good quality orthopaedic and trauma care to patients from simple fracture treatment to sophisticated joint replacement and arthroscopic procedures.
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Sunday, 26 August 2018

Stemcell Knee Cartilage Regeneration - An Alternate treatment for Knee Arthritis

A revolutionary new approach in the field of medicine has recently come to fruition with the introduction of Stem Cell Knee Cartilage Regeneration technique. In layman’s terms, stem cells isolated and extracted from the bone marrow is then introduced in damaged areas of the body to help the cells to multiply and the body to heal itself.

knee cartilage regeneration chennai

Stem Cell harvest and application is gaining distinctive inroads into all forms of therapeutic procedures, especially in the field of Orthopaedics, for the treatment of Knee Pain. Knee Pain, on account of osteoarthritis, caused due to debilitating effect of age is one of the prime causes of pain and agony to the patients. Conservative treatments initiate with pain relieving medication, physiotherapy, progress to steroid laced injections and ultimately calls for surgical intervention.

However, in most cases the patient does not report significant improvement in pain alleviation and is hence advised to undergo Knee Joint Replacement Surgery.

Stem Cell therapy for knees, is a minimally invasive procedure that can result in phenomenal decrease in pain and inflammation, check further arthritic damage, restore the joint cartilage and cause delay or render surgery superfluous.

The Knee-Worthy Stem Cell Cartilage Regeneration Procedure

The primary purpose of the joint cartilage at the knee is to allow for smooth gliding of the joint surfaces and protect the surrounding bone from further damage. The Articular Cartilage has the potential to act as a shock absorber and hold up to 20 times the body weight. However, with the onset of osteoarthritis, either caused due to age or previous trauma there is gradual degeneration of this joint cartilage. This leads to acute pain due to friction and subsequently damages to the bone beneath the cartilage and the associated ligaments, tendons and muscles causing restriction in mobility.

A Note on the Stem Cells Extracted?

Adult Stem Cells have been tested to have the potential to multiply into cartilage, bone, fat or soft tissue. It has been found in this context that the injection of progenitor cells, especially the Mesenchymal Stem Cell restore degenerative cartilage far better than differentiated cells. They respond best to areas of inflammation and degeneration and cause modification to the immune system to contribute to the surrounding cartilage in affected areas.

knee cartilage regeneration chennai

How Stem Cell Treatment is Initiated

Stem Cells are present in abundance in the umbilical cord and small children. In adults they are localised in the hip and chest bones from where they are extracted using BMAC, a minimally invasive procedure. The same is then isolated using a special machine and the subsequently isolated stem cells are introduced in the damaged area through injection of two kinds:

1. PRP – Platelet rich Plasma
2. BMAC – Bone Marrow aspirate concentrate

The therapeutic use of these particular Stem Cells has been found to be perfectly safe and effective in the treatment of knee cartilage pain and osteoarthritis. Many patients have outlasted the need for any surgical intervention as a result of advanced Stem Cell therapy.

Knee cartilage Regeneration in Chennai

Contact TOSH (Trauma and Orthopaedic Speciality Hospital at Chennai) to find out more about this innovative treatment and gain the welcome support of the renowned orthopaedic specialists in Chennai
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Monday, 26 February 2018

Live Straight With Scoliosis Correction Surgery

What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine. The spinal curve may develop as a single curve (like C) or two curves (like S). Scoliosis condition does not give any significant symptoms in teens and children until the condition has progressed. Idiopathic and degenerative scoliosis are the most common types. There are three orthopedic options for treating scoliosis are observation, bracing or surgical intervention. When the first two options fail to improve the condition, Scoliosis Correction Surgery will be the last option.

Scoliosis Correction Surgery   

Spinal fusion is a surgical procedure in which the curved vertebrae are fused together. Then, the fused bones start to heal into a single and solid bone. This surgical method stops the growth in the abnormal spine segment and prevents the curve from getting worse. The spinal fusion is primarily used to reduce pain due to the abnormal vertebrae movement. Pain is diminished by stopping the movement of faulty vertebrae. Spinal fusion helps to treat many spinal deformities and scoliosis in one among them.
In the spinal fusion, a bone graft is done to promote the fusion. Generally, small bone pieces are placed into the spaces between vertebrae which have to be fused. Then, the bone starts to grow together.
Until the surgery ends, metal rods are used to hold the spine in place. With the help of hook, screw or wire the rods are attached to the spine. Normally from 4-8 hours is taken for the spinal fusion surgery and depends on the curve size, the time duration extends.


The hospital stay for the patient after the spinal fusion may be for 2-4 days. After the surgery, in the first few weeks, the patient is suggested with some basic exercises such as normal walking with a protective brace and few stretching exercises. Recovery may take from weeks to months depends on the patient condition.
TOSH (Trauma and Orthopedic Specialty Hospital) is one of the best orthopedic hospital in Chennai. The world-class treatment is offered by the expert and the best orthopedic specialists and it provides the best spinal surgery Chennai.

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