Continued, inexplicable pain in the joints, back and shoulders on a daily basis warrant one to go in search of an orthopaedic doctor. Before going on to why a person needs to see an orthopaedic doctor, let's see what an orthopaedic doctor is first of all. Orthopaedic doctors are those who specialise in the musculoskeletal system of our body. They have in-depth knowledge of how our musculoskeletal system works. This includes joints, muscles, nerves, bones, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and other connective tissues. There are various conditions, reasons and injuries that cause pain to our musculoskeletal system and it is the orthopaedics who help assess, diagnose and treat the pain to reduce or eliminate it.

So, if you are experiencing pain in your knee, shoulders, back, hip or any other places just visit Tosh, we provide the best orthopaedic treatment procedures. With a gathering of the best orthopaedic doctors and surgeons under one roof, we at Tosh are renowned for providing the best assessment, diagnosis and treatment for all musculoskeletal related problems. Our orthopaedic doctors are rated as the best for their expertise and skill at accurately treating your ailments. We at Tosh do not advise surgery unless and until it is required for our patients.

Orthopaedic doctors also help treat trauma & injuries like broken bones, compression fractures, dislocations, muscle injuries, tendon tears or rapture and more. Athletes most often prefer to have regular visits to orthopaedists to help them prevent future injury and to optimise their performance. We provide specific care to each person with the aim to improve their quality of life. Our Orthopaedic doctors specialise at performing both surgical and non-surgical treatment procedures for your injuries. Some of the procedures that our orthopaedic doctors specialise at include Joint replacement surgery, joint revision surgery, arthroscopy, spinal surgery, disc replacement surgery, bone fracture repair, osteotomy, and more. Other non surgical procedures we excel at include aspiration, lumbar epidural steroid injection, cervical epidural injection, joint manipulation, lumbar sympathetic block and many more.
Hip arthroscopy helps many people to return to their normal activities/sports without much problem. If you are facing a problem with the hip region that needs immediate attention, then contact
TOSH. One of the leading orthopedic hospital in Chennai.